How do I make glass?

Glass isn't too difficult once you understand the mask function. You also may need to play around with the "hitscan" and "blocking" flags. Both need to be turned on to make the glass breakable.

Let's Go!

1. Start by using the spacebar to create a couple of sectors connected by a small "in-between" sector.

2. In 3D mode, I've changed the default brown textures.

3. Add two vertices to the left and right sides of the "in-between" sector (you may need to switch to a smaller grid scale). Insert a vertex by placing the mouse where you want the vertex and pressing the 'Insert' key.

4. Now use the spacebar to connect the two new vertices.

5. This is the tricky part. There is now a line separating the "in-between" sector into two sectors. We need to turn the mask on for the new line we just added. Place the cursor on the floor of the sector, right in front of where the new line is (you can't see the line, but it's there!)

6. Press the 'M' key to turn the mask on. It will probably default to the ugly brown brick texture.

7. Point to the brick and hit the 'V' key twice. Move to sprite #503 (GLASS) and select it.

8. Point to the glass and hit the 'T' key a few times. Keep pressing 'T' and you'll notice the texture cycles through different levels of transluscency. Pick the one you like best. In this snapshot, I pressed it twice.

9. While still pointing at the glass in 3D mode, press the 'B' and 'H' keys once. When you go back to 2D mode, the glass line should be a thick purple line. Purple means it will block Duke (until broken of course!) The line being thick means it has the "hitscan" turned on -- meaning projectiles will impact on it (again, causing it to break). Getting a thick purple line is not always easy -- sometimes you toggle one on and the other off. You may want to set the individually. Press 'B' in 3D mode, go to 2D to make sure it's purple, then go back to 3D and press 'H', go to 2D mode and make sure the line is thicker.

All Done! Save the map and run it. Can't pass through the glass? No problem! Engage mighty foot or put a bullet through it. You'll get that satisfying "CRASH" of breaking glass!

Download this map:

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Patrick Steele
Copyright © 1996, Patrick J. Steele, Last Updated - 11/06/98 01:24 AM