How do I make a "force field" window?

An example of a "force field" window can be found in Episode 2, Level 1 - Spaceport. There's no physical barrier to the outside, but when shot at, the impact of the projectile causes a sort of "ripple" in the shield. I'm sure you all know what I'm talking about. Here's how to make one!

Let's Go!

1. Start by making two fair sized rooms connected by a small, middle sector. See the map below for an example.

2. In 3D mode, I've added some texturing (I'm sick of that default brown brick texture!)

3. Now I've raised the floor and lowered the ceiling of the middle sector to create a window looking into the other sector.

4. Get closer to the window and place the cursor on the floor of the window sector (notice the white cursor in the graphic below)

5. Now press the 'M' key. This is creates a "mask" for the wall. Masking can be used to create things such as rails along walkways or, for our example, it gives us a texture we can point to and change.

6. Point at the texture that popped up when you hit the 'M' key (probably the brown brick!) and hit the 'V' key twice. Select tile #230 BIGFORCE. After selecting the tile, point at the wall and hit 'H'. This makes the wall block any projectiles.

7. Now that the wall mask is defined, we can turn it off. Don't worry -- the wall type of BIGFORCE is saved, we just don't need to keep the mask turned on. Point to the sector floor and press 'M' again to turn the mask off.

8. Go back into 2D mode. Point to each of the walls of the window and press 'B' to make them block Duke. The wall you defined as BIGFORCE should be a thick purple line and the wall below it should be a thin purple line.

All Done! Save the map and go run it. Try and shoot through the window. You won't have much luck. And with the wall closest to Duke set to block him, he can't hop on the window either.

If your're having trouble with the thin/thick purple, you may have to play around with the 'B' key in 2D mode and the 'H' key in 3D mode to get the effect you want. A thin purple line blocks Duke, but projectiles (like rockets and bullets) can pass. A thick purple line blocks both Duke and projectiles. Remember, if you want to change the attributes of the masked wall, you'll need to turn the mask back on. Otherwise, your mouse cursor would be pointing at a wall in the other sector!

Download this map:

This page will change as warranted by your comments, so please let me know if this helped you!

Patrick Steele
Copyright © 1996, Patrick J. Steele, Last Updated - 11/06/98 01:24 AM