How do I make walls blow open?

To blow a hole in a wall, we'll simply design our "hole" as it will look once it's been blown open. When we run Duke Nukem, the floor and ceilings will come together, closing the hole. Then, with a crack or a C9 explosive sprite -- BOOM! -- a big hole to walk through!

Let's Go!

1. Start by using the spacebar to create a large square sector. Place an RPG sprite in the sector so we'll have something to blow the wall open with.

2. Add a small sector off the main one. This will be the "wall" that opens up.

3. Now add a new sector off the second one.

4. In 3D mode, you should have a map similar to this.

5. Add a new texture for the "inside" of the wall (something that looks "rocky"). Move the floor and ceiling a little closer together.

6. In 2D mode, add two new vertexes to the wall sector

7. Now connect these points to split the wall into two sectors.

8. In 3D mode, slope the floor and ceiling of the two wall sectors to create a nice "hole".

9. In 2D mode add a sector effector sprite to each wall sector. Set the LOTAG of the SE to 13 and the HITAG to 5 (or some unqiue number that is not used with any other sector effectors in your map). Make sure the SE's point up -- this tells BUILD to close the hole when the map is loaded into the game.

10. In 3D mode, point at the wall next to the hole and press 'S' to add a sprite. Point to the sprite, press 'V' twice and select one of the crack textures. The crack will not stay here, it's simply easier to add it along a wall then to add it to the open space in front of the hole.

11. In 2D mode, move the crack to in front of our hole. Make the HITAG equal to the two SE 13 HITAGs (In this example, that would be 5).

12. In 3D mode, you should now have a crack "floating" in front of the hole.

13. Point to the crack sprite and hit 'T' once or twice. This sets the sprites transparency. Pressing it twice will make the crack blend in very nicely with the wall.

All Done! Save the map and go run it. Grab the RPG and fire away. The wall should now have a nice big hole to walk through. If nothing happens, make sure the HITAG of the SE 13's and the CRACK sprite match.

Instead of using a crack, you could place a C9 sprite near the wall and set it's HITAG equal to the SE 13 HITAGs. Then, when the C9 is shot and explodes, the hole will open up.

Download this map:

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Patrick Steele
Copyright © 1996, Patrick J. Steele, Last Updated
- 11/06/98 01:24 AM